Ralf Bruyninckx elected as chairman of SFPE Benulux Chapter


In a recent announcement to the SFPE Benelux community, Ralf Bruyninckx expressed his honor and privilege in being elected as the new chairman of the SFPE Benelux Chapter. With a renewed sense of purpose, the chapter aims to create an active forum for discussions on the significant opportunities and challenges facing the fire safety industry in the coming years, set against the backdrop of an ever-changing world.

Ralf, along with the board members, envisions the development of the Benelux Chapter with a threefold focus:


  • Inspiring Membership Growth: The chapter seeks to inspire and attract more fire engineers to become members, fostering a community that is not only diverse but also rich in expertise.
  • Knowledge Sharing: A key objective is to initiate robust knowledge-sharing initiatives among members and other SFPE Chapters, recognizing the value of collective intelligence in advancing the field of fire safety.
  • Organizing Beneficial Events: The chapter plans to organize and participate in events and online forums that bring value to its members and the broader fire safety community. A major event in Antwerp is on the horizon, slated for autumn, focusing on the theme: "The Future of Fire Safety." International speakers will address topics ranging from sustainability and digitalization to technology and globalization.


As the SFPE Benelux Chapter enters a new era under the guidance of Ralf Bruyninckx, the stage is set for collaboration, knowledge exchange, and proactive engagement within the fire safety community. Members are eagerly anticipating the future events and opportunities that will shape the trajectory of the chapter and contribute to the advancement of fire safety practices in the Benelux region and beyond.

SFPE Benelux

The Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE) serves as the premier professional organization for individuals engaged in the field of fire protection engineering. SFPE is dedicated to advancing the knowledge and application of fire protection engineering and related disciplines, upholding a rigorous ethical standard within its membership, and promoting education in the field.

In alignment with the overarching goals of SFPE, the SFPE Benelux Chapter was established in 2012. Sharing the same mission as the headquarters, the Benelux Chapter endeavours to create a dynamic platform in the Benelux region. This platform facilitates the exchange of ideas among Fire Safety Engineers, provides a forum for discussions on emerging technologies, and encourages networking opportunities with peers from around the globe.