Sigma Coatings

Sigma Coatings is a Dutch paint company that was founded in 1972 and merged into SigmaKalon in 1999. It belongs to PPG Industries from 1 January 2008.
The company was formed after the Belgian oil company Petrofina bought three smaller paint companies and merged them.

FPC Risk's Tasks

  • HazOp study of a new chemical production unit of resins by emulsion. During the execution of the study principal hazards and risks have been identified and shortcomings of the installation highlighted. HazOp worksheets are prepared by computer made suitable for presentation to the authorities 
  • Consequence analysis and calculations of unwanted events of a potential run-away reaction in a process reactor. Draw up event tree of the particular run-away accident scenario and investigate the credibility. Based upon the outcome of the calculations, FPC Risk developed technical recommendations on 2 levels :
    • accident prevention by interfering into the cascades of events (interlocks)
    • protection of equipment, reactor building, employees and structures


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